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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Maggie Speaks

Good morning. This is Maggie, Tom's friend. He said I could write the blog post today, since the Tigers played like they were asleep (they lost 3-2) and couldn't wait to get on the plane and go back home. 

I didn't see the game. So I will give you our favorite recipe for fish and chips. 

We really don't have a recipe. We pour a little cooking oil in an aluminum pan, and coat the fish with McCormick's Fish And Chips batter mix straight from the box. We don't use water. We cook them at 350, about ten minutes each side. They taste great. They taste like fish, not like the ingredients. 

For chips, we use baking potatoes and cook them in bacon grease that we save from breakfast. Sprinkle on a little salt and pepper, serve them hot with fish, and you can't have a better dinner. 

Tom always helps cook dinner, and clean up afterwards. I think men who like to help out in the kitchen are extremely sexy. 

Thank you for reading my recipe, and I hope the Tigers play better tomorrow night.

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